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Articles & Videos

  • 15 User Research Methods to Know Beyond Usability Testing

    Explore 15 user research methods beyond usability testing. We describe 5 scenarios where these methods offer a broad spectrum of insights for a better understanding of users.

  • How to Increase the Visibility of Error Messages

    Error messages can be a crucial point in the user experience. To be effective, they must be clearly visible, which can be accomplished by displaying them close to the error's source, using noticeable, redundant, and accessible indicators, designing them based on their impact, and avoiding displaying them prematurely.

  • Card Sorting: Pushing Users Beyond Terminology Matches

    Labels in a card sorting study must be neutral to prevent keyword matching and encourage careful, conceptual groupings from users.

  • The 4 Stages of AI Image Generation: An Experience Map

    AI image generation users often follow a similar creative process: ideate, generate, refine, and export.

  • What Is Cognitive Load?

    Follow these 3 tips to reduce cognitive load and help your users: avoid visual clutter, build on existing mental models, and offload tasks.

  • 10 Steps for Better Storytelling in UX Job Interviews

    Searching for a UX job and want an edge on your competition? Stop endlessly iterating over your portfolio and start practicing storytelling to ace your UX job interviews.

  • Glassmorphism: Definition and Best Practices

    Glassmorphism is a UI design trend that features translucent interface components to create depth.

  • Menu-Design Checklist: 17 UX Guidelines

    People rely on menus to find content and use features. Use this checklist to make sure your menus do their job.

  • You're Not Too Late to Use AI

    Manage your AI anxiety with two quick tips: small experiments and a news diet. Experiment with day-to-day communication and drafting with AI, as integrating AI into your research process. To avoid news overwhelm, subscribe to three weekly sources of information: a newsletter, an optimistic writing source, and a skeptical writing source.

  • Create Your Own Research-Participant Database

    Make user research and recruiting more efficient by keeping your own database of research participants. What’s important when choosing tools? What data should you store, and how should you govern the use of the database?

  • 10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design

    Jakob Nielsen's 10 general principles for interaction design. They are called "heuristics" because they are broad rules of thumb for UX and not specific usability guidelines.

  • Empathy Mapping: The First Step in Design Thinking

    Visualizing user attitudes and behaviors in an empathy map helps UX teams align on a deep understanding of end users. The mapping process also reveals any holes in existing user data.

  • When to Use Which User-Experience Research Methods

    Modern day UX research methods answer a wide range of questions. To know when to use which method, each of 20 methods is mapped across 3 dimensions and over time within a typical product-development process.

  • Service Blueprints: Definition

    Service blueprints visualize organizational processes in order to optimize how a business delivers a user experience.

  • Journey Mapping 101

    A journey map is a visualization of the process that a person goes through in order to accomplish a goal.

  • The Four Dimensions of Tone of Voice

    A website’s tone of voice communicates how an organization feels about its message. The tone of any piece of content can be analyzed along 4 dimensions: humor, formality, respectfulness, and enthusiasm.

  • Between-Subjects vs. Within-Subjects Study Design

    In user research, between-groups designs reduce learning effects; repeated-measures designs require fewer participants and minimize the random noise.

  • UX Research Cheat Sheet

    User research can be done at any point in the design cycle. This list of methods and activities can help you decide which to use when.

  • Usability 101: Introduction to Usability

    What is usability? How, when, and where to improve it? Why should you care? Overview answers basic questions + how to run fast user tests.

  • Usability Testing 101

    UX researchers use this popular observational methodology to uncover problems and opportunities in designs.

  • Why You Only Need to Test with 5 Users

    Elaborate usability tests are a waste of resources. The best results come from testing no more than 5 users and running as many small tests as you can afford.

  • UX Mapping Methods Compared: A Cheat Sheet

    Empathy maps, customer journey maps, experience maps, and service blueprints depict different processes and have different goals, yet they all build common ground within an organization.

  • Design Thinking 101

    What is design thinking and why should you care? History and background plus a quick overview and visualization of 6 phases of the design thinking process. Approaching problem solving with a hands-on, user-centric mindset leads to innovation, and innovation can lead to differentiation and a competitive advantage.

  • The 6 Levels of UX Maturity

    Our UX-maturity model has 6 stages that cover processes, design, research, leadership support, and longevity of UX. Use our quiz to get an idea of your organization’s UX maturity.

  • When and How to Create Customer Journey Maps

    Journey maps combine two powerful instruments—storytelling and visualization—in order to help teams understand and address customer needs.

  • Top 10 Application-Design Mistakes

    Application usability is enhanced when the UI guides and supports users through the workflow.

  • User Interviews: How, When, and Why to Conduct Them

    User interviews have become a popular technique for getting user feedback, mainly because they are fast and easy. Use them to learn about users’ perceptions of your design, not about its usability.

  • F-Shaped Pattern of Reading on the Web: Misunderstood, But Still Relevant (Even on Mobile)

    Eyetracking research shows that people scan webpages and phone screens in various patterns, one of them being the shape of the letter F. Eleven years after discovering this pattern, we revisit what it means today.

  • Checkboxes vs. Radio Buttons

    User interface guidelines for when to use a checkbox control and when to use a radio button control. Twelve usability issues for checkboxes and radio buttons.

  • User-Experience Quiz: 2020 UX Year in Review

    Test your usability knowledge by taking our quiz. All questions and answers are based on articles published last year.

  • 15 User Research Methods to Know Beyond Usability Testing

    Explore 15 user research methods beyond usability testing. We describe 5 scenarios where these methods offer a broad spectrum of insights for a better understanding of users.

  • How to Increase the Visibility of Error Messages

    Error messages can be a crucial point in the user experience. To be effective, they must be clearly visible, which can be accomplished by displaying them close to the error's source, using noticeable, redundant, and accessible indicators, designing them based on their impact, and avoiding displaying them prematurely.

  • What Is Cognitive Load?

    Follow these 3 tips to reduce cognitive load and help your users: avoid visual clutter, build on existing mental models, and offload tasks.

  • 10 Steps for Better Storytelling in UX Job Interviews

    Searching for a UX job and want an edge on your competition? Stop endlessly iterating over your portfolio and start practicing storytelling to ace your UX job interviews.

  • You're Not Too Late to Use AI

    Manage your AI anxiety with two quick tips: small experiments and a news diet. Experiment with day-to-day communication and drafting with AI, as integrating AI into your research process. To avoid news overwhelm, subscribe to three weekly sources of information: a newsletter, an optimistic writing source, and a skeptical writing source.

  • Create Your Own Research-Participant Database

    Make user research and recruiting more efficient by keeping your own database of research participants. What’s important when choosing tools? What data should you store, and how should you govern the use of the database?

  • Using a CSD Matrix in Discovery

    CSD matrices organize project information by Certainties, Suppositions, and Doubts. Use the framework to make decisions, form hypotheses, and address unknowns in discovery. (Credit: Tennyson Pinheiro, Luis Alt and the team at Livework São Paulo.)

  • Delightful UX Is Like a 3-Legged Stool

    Delight can be experienced viscerally, behaviorally, and reflectively. A delightful design must consider all three of these pillars.

  • Interactive UX Maps 101

    Interactive UX Maps are high-fidelity maps used as a way to engage stakeholders with real user data in relationship to specific findings.

  • Tabs vs. Accordions: When to Use Each

    Tabs and accordions organize and layer content on the same page. Tabs suit a few long sections, while accordions fit many short ones. Choose based on your content structure and user needs for optimal layout.

  • Card Sorting: Pushing Users Beyond Terminology Matches

    Labels in a card sorting study must be neutral to prevent keyword matching and encourage careful, conceptual groupings from users.

  • The 4 Stages of AI Image Generation: An Experience Map

    AI image generation users often follow a similar creative process: ideate, generate, refine, and export.

  • Glassmorphism: Definition and Best Practices

    Glassmorphism is a UI design trend that features translucent interface components to create depth.

  • Menu-Design Checklist: 17 UX Guidelines

    People rely on menus to find content and use features. Use this checklist to make sure your menus do their job.

  • The Diverge-and-Converge Technique for UX Workshops

    By first working independently on a problem and then converging to share insights, teams can leverage the benefits of both work styles, leading to rapid data analysis, diverse ideas, and high-quality designs.

  • Design Systems vs. Style Guides

    Design systems are a set of standards (like Google’s Material Design or IBM’s Carbon Design System) needed to manage design at scale. Style guides (like content or visual style guides) are just one piece in a design system.

  • CARE: Structure for Crafting AI Prompts

    To get better results from generative-AI chatbots, write CAREful prompts. Include context, what you’re asking the system to do, rules for how to do it, and examples of what you want.

  • Visual Design: Glossary

    Use this glossary to quickly clarify key terms and concepts related to visual design.

  • Promptframes: Evolving the Wireframe for the Age of AI

    Promptframes enhance wireframes with prompt writing and generative AI, boosting content fidelity and speeding up user testing. No more lorem ipsum.

  • Design Taste vs. Technical Skills in the Era of AI

    The need for discernment is amplified when generative AI enables anyone to create anything. Creative skills will still be necessary to produce superior designs.