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Property Advisors

Supercharge your services and win more work

step-change in accuracy
Up to 50% accuracy improvements in retrofit predictions
smooth and centralised
All information on every building from a single point of truth
Lightening fast
Up to 75% less time required to process data on each building
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Scattered data across different platforms and formats makes it difficult to get a comprehensive view of portfolios, often overlooking the unique characteristics of individual buildings. Portfolio audits are time-consuming, eating into high-value consultancy work for your clients. Manual decarbonisation analysis often produces inaccurate outputs, leading to flawed retrofitting strategies that can jeopardise both financial performance and compliance with increasing environmental regulations.

Our technology instantly analyses portfolios with 3D digital twins, streamlining audits and highlighting unique building features. It guides retrofit investments through performance tracking and regulatory compliance, enabling quick, informed decisions. AI and physics-based simulations offer precise, cost-effective plans, ensuring targeted investments. MapMortar helps advisors overcome challenges, enhancing portfolio efficiency, profitability, and sustainability.
Real Estate Decarbonisation:
Made Affordable
MapMortar is a virtual modelling and simulation platform to make decarbonisation retrofit planning more accurate, saving costs in implementation.
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