From the course: Xcode 15 Essential Training

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Resolving conflicts

Resolving conflicts

- [Instructor] A common challenge when working with Git is how to resolve conflicts when merges happen. These often happen when two branches are working on the same lines of code and one gets merged before another. For example, if I'm on my main branch here, I'm actually going to double click main inside of Repositories in the Source Control navigator. So I'll double click it right here in my local repository, and I can see that I've added another commit. If I double click this commit, I can see what was changed. I simply added an exclamation point. At the same time, another developer on my team, let's call him Suresh, made changes to the same file. So what I'm going to do is switch to that branch and see what's different there. I'm going to click this caret underneath xc15-source-control at the top left in the toolbar, and then I'm going to switch to the suresh branch. So I'll close this commit, and then I'm going to look at my Content View. So now in the suresh branch, I can see…
