From the course: What is Copilot? Get Started with Microsoft's Everyday AI Companion

Using Copilot on the web, in Windows, and on the mobile app - Microsoft Copilot Tutorial

From the course: What is Copilot? Get Started with Microsoft's Everyday AI Companion

Using Copilot on the web, in Windows, and on the mobile app

- You can use the Copilot chat assistant by going to And depending on whether you sign in and what type of account or subscription you have, you may have different features in that chat assistant. But this website is not the only place to work with the chat assistant. If you use Windows, you can use the Copilot assistant in the Windows interface. First, I'll check to see if I'm signed into a Microsoft account. To do that, I'll go to Windows settings. On the left, I'll go to the category for accounts. And we can see that I use my Microsoft online account as my sign-in account for Windows. Now, this is my personal account. And of course you could sign in with a business account. But at the time of this recording, the business account does not activate any additional features but that may change in the future. So I'm signed into an account. And in the task bar, I see the Copilot icon. Now, if you don't see that icon, you should go back to Windows settings, then go to the Personalization category, scroll down a bit and go to the subcategory for the task bar, and make sure that Copilot is enabled here. If you don't see that option, make sure you run all of your Windows updates and the feature should be added in an update soon. Once you see the Copilot button in the task bar, you can click it to open the Copilot assistant. And from here, you can use the chat field to type in a question. I'll type in a question and hit the Return key. And it gives me that information. And I could ask follow-up questions and continue the conversation from here. Another place you can use the chat assistant is in the Microsoft Edge web browser. I'll open up Edge here. And Edge comes with Windows 11 but you could also install it on a Mac if you want. Now, first of course, you should check to see if you are signed into a Microsoft account. In Edge, near the top right corner or near the top left corner, you should see your profile icon. You should click on that and if you are signed in, you'll see your account information there. If not, you can sign in from there. Once you've confirmed that, in the top right corner there is a Copilot button. You can click that to open the Copilot panel right here in the Edge web browser. Now, this time, instead of asking a question, I'll try another thing that AI chat assistants are good at. I'll ask it to write a draft of some text. I'll ask it to write a summary of the benefits of using offshore wind power generators. I'll hit the Return key and it gives me a draft of some text based on that request. Another place you can use the Copilot chat assistant is in the mobile app. There is a free app on iPhone and Android called Copilot, which I have installed here. So I'll launch the Copilot app. And first, I'll tap the button in the top left and confirm that I am signed into an account. Then I'll close that account tab. And in the mobile app, you can type your question in the text field at the bottom but you can also use your voice. Just tap the microphone button or tap the keyboard button to switch between the voice or text prompts. And this time, I'll ask it to do another thing that AI chat assistants are great for. Copilot can use the Dall-E AI image model to create new pictures. I'll tap the microphone here and give it my request. Generate a picture of a condor flying over a field of sunflowers. It takes some time but now I have some options. Just remember conversations, answers to your questions, drafts of text, and picture generation all will work no matter where you use the Copilot chat assistant. And I encourage you to look for the Copilot icon in other tools and applications. Copilot is updated and changes constantly, so by the time you're watching this there may be even more ways to access the Copilot chat assistant.
