From the course: Visual Storytelling in PowerPoint

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Different ways to show data

Different ways to show data

- [Instructor] So, if you remember before I was showing you this slide earlier and showing you how to make insights from data. So again, we are just looking at this chart here and we just have dates and numbers and that's all and I think we could do better. I think we can find a story within this chart here and I think the way we can do that is basically looking at each one of these divisions, East, Central, and West and just looking at what the story is here. So what I think is the most important thing, if I want people to feel positive about the work they're doing, let me look for the positive in this chart. So I can see that everybody's really worked hard over the year and maybe some months, some people have stumbled or some groups have stumbled and gone down, but overall everybody's really worked hard and ended the year on an up note than where they were in the beginning so that could be the story that I'm trying to tell…
