From the course: Unreal Engine: Creating Templates for Visualization Projects

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Creating a basic master material: Part 3

Creating a basic master material: Part 3

- Diving straight into solving the problems that we outlined at the conclusion of our previous exercise then. Let's first of all, extend the usability of our roughness control by adding the option of altering its settings via a color value. With our master material open for editing then, let's select the color node from our tinting system in the base color block. And then after using the Control and W keys to duplicate, position it with the roughness map node in the graph. Now, we didn't duplicate the switch node here because given that it is a parameter already, the duplicate would be tied to the original. And so, altering the value on one, would affect the other as well, which is obviously not what we want. And so, after dragging from the color node, let's create a new switch for ourselves and set the default value in the color swatch to a darkish gray. So, 0.01 in all channels should be good. We can then pipe the…
