From the course: Universal Principles of Design

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- [Teacher] Hi, I'm Jill Butler, and this is the universal principles of design. In this movie, storytelling, where every design tells a story. Most parents who had children in 1983 probably remember what they were doing that holiday season: desperately searching retail outlets for an impossible-to-find Cabbage Patch Kid. The Cabbage Patch Kid was the must-have item that year and supplies were limited. This mixture of hysteria and frustration created parental mobs that swarmed retailers and occasionally resorted to violence in order to make their children's wishes come true. Cabbage Patch Kids are fairly simple dolls. The limbs attached to their soft fabric bodies don't move. Their hard, static heads are topped with large mops of yarn that can't be brushed or styled. Their eyes don't close, and their mouths don't open. The dolls don't eat, sleep, poop, or talk. They're often described as ugly, and yet despite all this, retailers could not keep them on the shelves in 1983. So why were…
