From the course: Ukulele Lessons: Fundamentals

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The right-hand position

The right-hand position

- Let's talk about playing finger-style ukulele. Lesson one has some wonderful information about how to play with your right hand. I basically use a classical-guitar technique of playing. I use these four fingers and I assign one finger to each string. So my thumb is on the fourth string. Index on the third. Middle on the second. And my ring finger is on the first string. I keep my nails very short. They're just above the flesh. The flesh of my fingers touch the top of the string and my fingernail is touching the side of the string, ready to pluck. (plucks strings) So if I'm singing or playing, I don't have to look down at my hand to see what string I'm plucking. So this my resting position. My forearm is resting on the lower about here and my hand just falls naturally over the strings. I pluck the strings at a sleight diagonal which gives it a sweeter, rounder, fuller tone and that's what we strive for in classical guitar.
