From the course: Tony Cruz's iPhone Surf Photography: Start to Finish

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Tony Cruz's iPhone Surf Photography

Tony Cruz's iPhone Surf Photography

(MUSIC). Where it originally started was being in the water and seeing that this is a moment, this is a perspective not everybody sees, and you know, just that excitement of being one. I'm going to be out there surfing and having my phone available to capture that. It's an exciting feeling, you know, of the unknown of like wow, this could be really good. (MUSIC). Your typical surf photography, water photography you know, a lot of it's like the moment of somebody in like a big barrel or, whatever it might be, it is a big moment that they're capturing. And I remember one day I was just out there thinking, man that would be a great picture. At the time there wasn't anything until Life Proof Case, a waterproof case, you know, for your iPhone. And, right now I have a leash, and now I have it wrapped around my wrist, and so I tuck my phone into my sleeve and then I pull it out, take a photo, tuck it back in, catch a couple of waves you know and just kind of incorporate that in what I'm…
