From the course: Tips for Working Remotely

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Staying focused while working remotely

Staying focused while working remotely

From the course: Tips for Working Remotely

Staying focused while working remotely

- All right, you've thought through a structure for the day, and successfully set up your workspace. Now, it's time to get productive. For me, this really means two things, respecting work time, and avoiding distractions. Okay, first let's think about what it means to respect your work time. Every productive behavior starts with a conscious choice. I want you to start the day by deciding that non-work activities will not be an option during your designated work time. Believe me, once you allow non-work activities to invade your work time, the easier it becomes to do it again, and again. Next, adopt this rule. No personal calls, emails, texts, instant messages, and so on. Yes, emergencies happen but they're rare and you need to protect your work time. Not only do I want you to refrain from sending personal messages, I want you to try and not receive them either. What? You see, we allow too many gadgets and messages to beep and chirp, and distract us, but you can stop that. Let's think…
