From the course: Smarter Note-Taking with Microsoft 365

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Dock a OneNote window for note-taking with other apps

Dock a OneNote window for note-taking with other apps

From the course: Smarter Note-Taking with Microsoft 365

Dock a OneNote window for note-taking with other apps

- [Instructor] Whether you work with one monitor for your device, several monitors, you likely switch from app to app throughout your workday for all of the different tasks and types of notes that you need to take and manage. If you like to work with OneNote and take notes about things that you're doing in other applications, you might be snapping those windows to different sides or different corners of each monitor. I'd like to show you how you can accomplish the same thing in a more efficient way. Here we are in the desktop version of OneNote and we're on the View ribbon. From this View ribbon in the window group is something called New Docked Window. Let's go ahead and select it. What this does, is it snaps a docked window for OneNote over on one side of your monitor. We no longer need to have the full OneNote application open. You know, right now you can see we're in the meeting section, I've got some notes I've…
