From the course: SketchUp for Architecture: LayOut

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Adding the template text

Adding the template text

- [Instructor] Chapter 4_03, we're looking at adding the template text, that's this stuff. Now this is a combination of normal text and then we've got these labels which are the auto text. Okay, so I'll just run through the process of creating, sort of, one or two of these and then you can finish off. I'll leave this there for you to look at. If you've got access to the exercise files, you can just investigate this if you want. Otherwise, just sit tight and we'll be through this in no time at all. So to create the text, I'll just use the text tool and then click somewhere and you've probably got about 10 points loaded, doesn't matter. We'll just type in Project Ref. Okay, so type in Project Ref, click away from it and select the text again by using the select tool. Use the space bar if you want. That gets to the select tool as well. So with the text selected, just change it to seven and hit enter. So that's going to give us a seven point font and then we can just move it into place…
