From the course: Sustainability for Design, Construction, and Manufacturing

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Sustainability plan and implementation

Sustainability plan and implementation

- [Instructor] A sustainability plan is an outline or a roadmap that shows how an organization plans to achieve the set sustainability goals. A sustainability plan is usually done annually with a list of action items that are tied to overarching goals. Action items under each goal could be simple activities, such as draft a waste management plan, or maybe complicated and time-consuming sustainability initiatives, such as implement a waste management plan at all construction sites and collect monthly data. When deciding which sustainability initiatives and actions you should dedicate your resources and energy to, you may want to answer a number of questions to help your decision. Let's say you are considering to install onsite renewables at a number of your facilities. The first question is what goal does this initiative serve? Let's say you have a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2% every year. This is the goal…
