From the course: Succeeding as a First-Time Tech Manager

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Talking tech to a non-tech audience

Talking tech to a non-tech audience

- There's a perception that technical people are not great communicators and look down upon non-technical audiences. As a technology leader, you need to be able to communicate technical concepts to non-technical audiences for the business to be successful. Here are some ideas on how you can effectively communicate technical information to any audience. First and foremost, know your audience and understand what information they need from you. This will help you understand how you should frame your conversation. I've seen many technical leaders go into the details of technology, when the audience doesn't really need to know the specifics. For example, if you are presenting to the leaders of a finance team about the delay in releasing a product, they will be interested in knowing how this delay impacts their current budget and the planned revenue. However, if your presenting the same information to the marketing leaders…
