From the course: Revit: Generative Design

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- [Instructor] Thanks for joining me in learning how to use and develop generative design studies in Revit and Dynamo. You've learnt a lot of new techniques and concepts in this course. So, feel free to come back again if you need a refresh on some of the topics as you continue on your journey, learning about generative design. The important thing is to keep going and continue to expand your knowledge in this innovative space. So, here are a few tips on how to develop your skills in this area. Start by continuing to test the script that we just developed along with other generative design samples available within Revit. You could do this just in Revit or by looking through the Dynamo scripts that the studies are based off. There are a lot of tips and ideas you can get from these comprehensive examples. You could also have a look through the generative design documentation available by Autodesk. There's a…
