From the course: Real Estate Photography: Marketing Pricing and Client Relations

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- So I hope that was helpful to you. You know, again, the main takeaway here is to get out in front of those issues, anticipate what's going to go wrong, be knowledgeable about the ways that things go wrong, and have the conversations with your clients before it ever comes up. So long as they don't get surprised by things, it'll be okay. They might not like your policy but they'll know about it ahead of time so that when it happens there's no surprises. Copyright your images, communicate clearly, and even when you're angry don't be angry. Hide that, suppress it, channel your inner Godfather. It's strictly business. Now there's lots of information elsewhere on this site, with field technique, how to shoot the photographs, but remember that the business side is equally as important. Thanks for watching, and good luck to you.
