From the course: Python Data Analysis

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Working with Jupyter Notebooks

Working with Jupyter Notebooks - Python Tutorial

From the course: Python Data Analysis

Working with Jupyter Notebooks

- [Narrator] Jupyter notebooks, offer a very convenient way to write code, run it, and collect the results including plots, in a single document. You can even write formatted text and equations. This is my favorite way of using Python, because it lets me experiment with data and code, document my work, and go back to it later. You start Jupiter notebook from the Anaconda navigator, by clicking on launch. If you don't have an Anaconda, you can go to a terminal, and type Jupyter notebook. A web browser opens, and I can choose if I wish to load an existing notebook from the file system, or to start a new one, which I do at the top right of the screen. New, Python three notebook. Here's the notebook. See the green box at the top?. It's a cell. It's ready for me to write some Python, for instance, (keyboard typing) The customary equating. I execute the code, by pressing Shift + Enter, or Shift + return depending on your…
