From the course: Learning Soldering for Electronics

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How to remove a surface mount integrated circuit

How to remove a surface mount integrated circuit

From the course: Learning Soldering for Electronics

How to remove a surface mount integrated circuit

- So now let's talk about how do you remove components from a surface mount PCB? You basically have three choices, and we're going to be going over two of them in this video. Number one is the, and I don't recommend this. It's kind of horrible, but I'm going to say it. It's the clip and strip, and what I mean by that is you can have a surface mount component that has the legs on it, and you use a pair of flush cutting pliers, and you clip the legs and then you can use a soldering iron with some solder braid, or even a solder sucker, and remove the solder that's leftover and the legs that are leftover. This is more of a last resort. I mean, obviously you're destroying the IC you're removing, but you also risk destroying the PCB because when you clip and you're pulling, it just, it's not good, but sometimes you're desperate and you want to just remove a part to put a brand new one in and it's acceptable. The other…
