From the course: Learning Studio Lights and Flash Lighting

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Assembling the continuous light

Assembling the continuous light

With studio lighting, there are all kinds of lights you can use. For this course, we're going to be working with daylight balanced fluorescent light in a soft box. So let's begin by setting up one of the light stands we'll use to hold the light. Now, the first thing you want to do is look for this little knob here and just loosen it up a little bit. This allows you to pull the legs out. Apply some pressure, and make sure that these bars here come about parallel with the ground. This gives you the most stability. And then make sure whatever you loosen up that you tighten back up. Nice and stable. Now, these two knobs here are for adjusting the height of your, of your light stand. So let's say I want to make it a little bit taller. Just loosen that up. I can raise this up a little bit and then tighten it back up. Now let's set up the soft box. Now this happens to be a collapsible soft box, and inside, you see a light source socket. Now what, want to, what you want to do is make sure…
