From the course: Learning Print Production

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Attending press checks

Attending press checks

- [Instructor] If you're scheduled to attend a press check there are some things that you ought to know about life in the pressroom. First of all, you need to pay attention to scheduling but that also means that you need to be prepared to wait. The printer tells you what time to get there but truthfully that's an approximation. After all an earlier job might delay the running of your job. So you have to expect delays. If you're running a large job there are going to be delays between different sections of that large job. They'll have to clean up the press, change the plates, start up for the section that they're running next. And of course there could be unexpected delays, a paper break or a press problem which by the way is very rare. So that means that you need to be flexible. So what should you bring with you to a press check? Well, any of your comps or dummies that you might've kept not sent to the printer, any…
