From the course: Learning HDR Efex Pro 2.0

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Getting a closer look

Getting a closer look

The adjustments you apply to your photo in HDR Efex Pro can have a rather significant impact on the detail and quality for the image. And so it can be very helpful to get a very close look at certain portions of the photo while you're working on establishing those settings. Let's take a look at the various options for evaluating the image, including zooming in and out and panning around the photo as well as looking at a histogram display for the image. We'll start off with the basic zoom setting. Up at the top right above the image, we have options for a particular zoom percentage. So, for example, I can zoom into a 100% view on the photo. To enable that zoom I simply click the Zoom button and that will take me into a 100% zoom setting in this case. And then clicking again will take me back to the fit image in zoom display. I can change the actual zoom setting at any time. For example, if I want to go in to a 200% zoom, then I can set that as the option and then toggle in and out for…
