From the course: Learning Autodesk ReCap 360

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Home screen

Home screen

- [Instructor] Each version of ReCap has been a little different over the years so your icons on the home screen may be slightly different from my icons on the home screen. But more than likely, over here on the left hand side you have your tools to scan a project or open up a photo project. You can open an existing project or go to preferences and actually make adjustments to ReCap. There's an option here with a question mark which will allow you to access the help menus. Also, on the left hand side we have a button called "what's new?" which will open up a dialogue box that will give you the listing of all the new features inside of the software. Over toward the right-hand side you'll have information that Autodesk is pushing for you. That means that they'll talk to you about changes that will happen in the software or an idea stream from the ReCap forum on the Autodesk website. Down toward the bottom of the screen we have your recent projects and if you've opened up projects in the…
