From the course: Learning Next.js

Speeding up your workflow with Next.js

From the course: Learning Next.js

Speeding up your workflow with Next.js

- [Sandy] The web landscape has changed a lot since the birth of the internet with web servers, web applications and also web frameworks that do about everything you know or have learned as a web developer. A web framework is a code library developed by developers for developers. With built-in tools, ready-to-use features and high level interfaces, web frameworks makes it painless to build a web application fast. With Next.js, it is all-in-one, a combination of everything, everything you know all wrapped up in a nice package, like a gift, a gift to help you shape the internet easier, better and faster. In this course, I will teach you how to leverage the Next.js framework to speed up and improve your workflow. I will teach you how to get started quickly with automatic setup, how to create pages and navigations between pages with zero configuration. You will learn how to build blazing fast pages, SEO-friendly and responsive thanks to the easy-to-use built-in CSS feature. Hi, I'm Sandy. I've been a web developer and a trainer for eight years. Whether you're a front or backend developer, this course is for you. Next.js is open to anyone willing to work with the best web standards globally approved and tested by millions. Next.js is a very popular react framework downloaded more than two million times. So ready to move to the next step and start with Next.js? Then come join me in my LinkedIn Learning class to get started and get to the next level with Next.js.
