From the course: Learning Next.js

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Loading static images

Loading static images

- [Instructor] Next.js provide with an image components to load and display static images. In order to access this component, you simply add to the scope of your component, the module next/image, and the image component is an extension of the html image tag that you know already. The image component provided by Next.js comes with lots of benefits, like improved performance, visual stability, faster page loads, so the user does not experience any blank page, resulting in a better and much improved user experience. So this is a very simple process to apply, and I'm glad to show you how to make your page look nicer with visuals. So in the following example, we're going to use the example, the same example of the 404 page, that we would like to make look nicer, just to add some visuals and make it more fun. So whenever a user lends on a page which is not found. So we are providing in the public directory with a not found GIF that…
