From the course: Learning Natural Light Portrait Photography

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Building rapport and gaining trust

Building rapport and gaining trust

- So far we've talked a lot about gear, light, composition. And you know, as photographers it's pretty fun to capture portraits and get excited about all of these things, but what can happen is this. We can all of a sudden hold our camera up to our eye and it can completely disconnect, or block us from our subject. So the question is, is how do we build rapport and lasting trust with the people that we're photographing. Well here I have a few tips for you. Starting off with this idea that one of things that you want to think about is what you bring to the table is really important. You want to bring things like warmth, confidence, and empathy. And what I mean by that is warmth is just that sense that hey you know what, this is going to work out. This is going to be good and I'm confident in that. You also want to have some empathy, in other words very few people really like having their portrait made. You need to keep that in mind. Maybe for you it's super exciting because you get to…
