From the course: Learning Natural Light Portrait Photography

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Advanced tips

Advanced tips

- In this movie, I want to share with you, a few advanced tips, which will help you to pose your subjects, so that you can capture better, more compelling, and more commercially viable portraits. Alright, well the first tip that I want to share with you, is this. If you want to create better portraits, one of the things that you can do, is ask your subject to breathe, and to move. And what I mean by that, is this. Often, when we point a camera at someone, we're like, quote, a deer in the headlights. Now, what is a deer in the headlights like? They're completely motionless, still. And they stop breathing. And that's what tends to happen to us. We won't even be aware of it, but our breath becomes really shallow. And often, if you're trying to capture someone's portrait, and they're holding all that in, if you get them to just... (inhales and exhales) Take a big breath, it resets. Then, you ask them to move. Now, there's different ways, to get people to move. Sometimes, it's simple as…
