From the course: iOS Development: Architecture

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URL scheme-based communication

URL scheme-based communication

- [Instructor] For security reasons, iOS apps are sandboxed. Third-party apps can't access each other's data, and they are restricted from making changes to the device. However, we can prepare our apps to share data with other apps. One way to implement inter-app communication is through URL schemes. We can define one or more custom URL schemes for an app. Know that some schemes are reserved for building apps, including the http, mailto, tel, or sms URL schemes. These schemes won't have any effect if you try to implement them in your app. The iOS will always launch the building app instead. That's a safety measure to prevent third-party apps from intercepting sensitive information like emails or phone calls. In the following demo, we're going to implement an app that can be launched from Safari or from another app. I'm gonna create a basic single view app. Let's call it ListenerApp. I save it in the WorkingProjects folder. Now, we need to add some keys and values to the Info.plist…
