From the course: iOS Development: Architecture

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The sequence diagram

The sequence diagram

- [Narrator] There are cases when we need to express how objects interact with each other. UML provides the sequence diagram for this purpose. A sequence diagram describes a specific feature of the system. Boxes at the top of the diagram represent the objects that participate in that particular scenario. I said objects and not classes since we're working with instances. We provide the snapshot of a working system showing how objects call each other to achieve a certain functionality. A vertical dash line starting at the bottom of each box represents the lifeline of given object. Method calls are shown as messages sent from one object to another. Create messages are dashed arrows pointing to the object that's created. Ordinary messages are shown as arrows pointing towards the receiver object. The receiver is the one that executes the method call. In the following sample, the login view controller instance first creates the secure storage object. It then calls the retrieve credentials…
