From the course: Introduction to Prompt Engineering for Generative AI

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- [Ronnie] This is Ronnie Sheer. I wanted to thank you for taking this course. Now, if you're interested in this topic and all things tech, go ahead and follow me on LinkedIn. I post almost daily with updates on the tech scene, a few of my thoughts, and how you can leverage these technologies. As far as courses go you should always search for new courses in topics like this that are rapidly changing. But there are a few awesome courses I can recommend. One of them is Training Neural Networks in Python. And this is more if you want to know the inner workings of a neural network. These large language models are after all neural networks, and diving more into this lower level stuff can really take you to interesting places. Now, if you are a hands-on learner, perhaps know a little bit of coding and want to step up your python game, I have a course for you. It's Hands-On Introduction to Python by myself. And in that course we put together awesome python projects and if you combine this course with the hands-on course, you can build some pretty cool stuff. So until next time, keep learning.
