From the course: Introduction to Google Drive

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Before you jump into the course content, let's first explore the agenda. In module one, we begin with a brief introduction to Google Drive, where you'll learn how to access Google Drive and explore the differences between your own personal my drive and a Google shared drive. In module two, we'll explore the sharing options in Google Drive. You'll learn about collaborator roles and assignable permissions as well as the sharing process. Module three focuses on your own personal area in Google Drive known as My drive. You'll learn how to upload files and folders to your My Drive, and you'll also see how to work across different file types. In addition, you'll learn how to view, arrange, organize, modify and remove files in your My Drive. In module four, you'll learn how to create a new shared drive, add and manage members and manage the shared drive content. You'll also explore the different roles that can be applied to members of a shared drive. In module five, you'll explore ways to…
