From the course: Introduction to Composite Manufacturing

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- [Instructor] Ultrasonic inspection has proven to be a very useful tool for the detection of internal delaminations, voids inconsistencies, and discontinuities. Now, with ultrasonic inspection, you're able to use various sound waves and techniques to find things that you would normally not find with just a simple visual inspection or a tap test. The method used is basically an energy wave with a frequency that is above the audible range. When an ultrasonic wave strikes an interrupting object, that void or the delamination or the inconsistency or discontinuity, the wave is disrupted or diminished. The diminished sonic energy is then picked up by a receiving transducer and converted into a display on an oscilloscope or a chart recorder. The display allows the operator to evaluate the discrepant indications comparatively with those areas known to be good. To facilitate the comparison, reference standards are established and…
