From the course: InDesign Tips for Design Geeks

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Can't see your hidden characters? It's either an obscure setting or a prank

Can't see your hidden characters? It's either an obscure setting or a prank - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Tips for Design Geeks

Can't see your hidden characters? It's either an obscure setting or a prank

- [Anne-Marie] Good day, fellow design geeks. This is Anne-Marie from InDesign Tips for Design Geeks. Today we're going to troubleshoot a problem, which is invisible invisibles. Back in QuarkXPress days, and QuarkXPress is still around, a fine program I'm sure, those hidden characters as we call them in InDesign down here are called invisibles in QuarkXPress. And I think that's why there's still an I there. That is part of the command to show invisibles, hide invisibles but don't call them invisibles because I don't know, I think that you might be involved in a lawsuit. So the problem is, and this was reported by a user, they turned on Show Hidden Characters, as I'm doing here, and they didn't appear. And no matter what they did, they quit out of InDesign, they rebuilt preferences, it just would not appear. Why? Why won't hidden characters appear? Well, one reason, which he swore it was not his issue is that…
