From the course: How to Boost Your Productivity with AI Tools

Using AI to help you present ideas to decision makers

From the course: How to Boost Your Productivity with AI Tools

Using AI to help you present ideas to decision makers

From my experience, the biggest problem with innovation is not a lack of ideas. It's poor decision making. And that's not always the fault of the decision-makers. Too many people believe the myth that good ideas sell themselves. The truth is that they're often the hardest ideas to sell. So if you want to give your ideas the best chance of making it through the decision making process, try this prompt. It takes your idea and tailors the argument for the audience that you're presenting to. It does that by considering their rational, emotional, and social motivations. And additionally, it anticipates their objections, providing you with strong counterarguments. So let's try it out. So let's read through this prompt. "You're a highly experienced salesperson who knows how to persuade decision-makers to say, 'yes.' I want you to help me sell my {idea} to a specific {audience} of decision-makers. Start by telling me what their relevant rational, emotional, and social motivators are. Then tell me what my primary sales message should be. Follow that with further points I should cover and finally tell me what objections they might have along with how I should respond to them. Deliver your response in markdown using headlines, subheads, and bullet points to make it easy to read." Okay. So we've now got our variables at the bottom. We've got audience, we've got idea. So let me paste in here. An idea and an audience, and we're imagining that we're working for an automotive manufacturer. So the idea is that we collaborate with a competitor on our new car engine to help us cut the price of R&D and end up with a better product. The people were selling to at the very top of the company. It's the CEO, the CFO, and the COO. All right. The most important decision-makers, the big gangs. So let's see what ChatGPT has to say about this. Here we go. We've got a beautifully formatted response here. So at the top here, we're understanding the decision-makers. Right. The rational motivators. So it's telling us here cost reduction, competitive advantage, efficiency, product quality, the usual kind of rational stuff. Absolutely. What would be the emotional stuff? What would be the stuff that drives them that makes them feel something? Okay. Success and achievement, confidence and reputation, excitement and innovation, security and stability. Yeah. I'd agree with that. What about the social motivators? What about what they want other people to think about them? Right. So collaboration, industry influence, sustainability. All right. So we're getting to the stuff that's more about what's the social impact on them as human beings. Primary sales message says here, Our primary sales message should emphasize the following key points: Collaboration for cost-effective innovation, and then it gives us three points underneath that. And then some supporting points here. Brilliant stuff. And then addressing objections. So it gives us here for objections and it gives us a response to these objections. Now, as you can see, if you're going to be selling something to decision-makers, whether that's a client or whether that's internal or whatever it is, then this would be a great way of helping you prepare for it, to try and get inside their heads, understand what motivates them, and tailor your message exactly for them. With any luck, this prompt will allow many more great ideas to survive and reach their potential, making the world a better place and providing more smiles and laughter for the children of the world. But only a few hears it.
