From the course: Having an Honest Career Conversation with Your Boss

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If your request is not granted

If your request is not granted

- Let's face it. No one enjoys being turned down. Despite your preparation, your focus, diligence, and the excellent communication skills you use during the honest conversation with your boss, it's possible your request is denied. How you handle yourself after receiving rejection says a lot about you and your commitment to your career. When your request, idea, or demand is rejected, it's tempting to want to storm off in a fury, retaliate, sabotage, or even pout. But none of these reactions will help your career. Trust me. How we react to and respond to disappointment reveals our true character and our career potential. After you get the bad news and before you head back to your desk or office, try to understand what happened and why your request was turned down. Did your boss need more information in order to decide? Perhaps if you'd had more supporting data, you could have presented a more compelling ask. Was the…
