From the course: Hands-On AI: Building LLM-Powered Apps

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Search engine basics

Search engine basics

- [Instructor] In the last video, we discussed how we can use retrieval augmented generation or RAG architecture to support a large language model with knowledge for it to provide answers based on sources. In this video, we will discuss the retrieval portion of the architecture. The system we use to store and retrieve information is called a search engine. A search engine is an information retrieval system designed to help us find information stored on a computer system. The most famous search engine out there is Google, which is a system that searches the whole internet. There are also domain-specific search engines that allow user to discover information, such as legal search, financial document search. And one of the latest type of search engine that we could use to retrieve information is called vector databases. And all these search engines are very similar to our physical libraries. There are primarily two processes in a search engine system, indexing and searching. Before we…
