From the course: HTML & CSS: Creating Forms

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Styling buttons

Styling buttons

- [Instructor] From the styling perspective, there are three types of buttons. In this video, we're going to look at how to style two of these types, the button using an input element and a button using a button element. There are also buttons that are on image. The first type is using the input element. You see here three different variations, the type of submit, type of reset, and type of button. These three buttons work slightly differently, but they're styled exactly the same, so any styles you apply would affect them in the same way. Then we also have three types of button using the button element. Again, they're submit, reset, and button as their types. And they again work slightly differently but any styles you apply would affect all three of these in the same way. The third type of button is the image type of input. Although this element also works as a button, it's styled very differently as an image, so you can just style it the same as you would any image. So we'll just be…
