From the course: Find Your Dream Job: Interview Techniques and Resume Writing

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Tailor it

Tailor it

- Now we come to possibly the most important thing you should do with your CV, which is tailor it. Don't just send out a load of standard CVs to everybody. I know it's quicker and it means you can apply for more jobs in a time but you're just going to apply for a load of jobs that you will not get. So rather than send out 10 standard ones, send out two tailored ones. Much more likely to succeed if you do that because companies want people who are keen to work for them. So they judge that by looking for clues of have you really focused on them or are you just sending out a standard thing? So research the company and then you know what you can put in the CV, little facts about them. So you've got to have a good reason for choosing them in particular. Find something about that company that you really like and tell them why you like them in particular. And tailor your CV to the organization and the job you're applying for. So…
