From the course: Email Marketing: Strategy and Optimization

Discover the power of email marketing - MailChimp Tutorial

From the course: Email Marketing: Strategy and Optimization

Discover the power of email marketing

- [Virginia] Welcome to Email Marketing Strategy and Optimization. In this course, we're going to talk about all the things you can do to optimize your email marketing strategy and improve customer relationships. In this course, you'll learn how email fits into any marketing plan and how it relates to your customer journey and buyer personas. You'll learn how email marketing fits into a calendar of activities a marketer does throughout the year, we'll spend some time discussing all the different types of emails that a strategist should know how to create for their audiences and the role that each plays in your marketing strategy. Finally, you'll learn how to optimize all the things that make a great email. Hi, my name is Virginia O'Connor and I'm a content strategist, a writer and a small business owner. This course isn't just for businesses. Anyone interested in influencing their audience to take action will benefit from learning these skills. Let's jump right in.
