From the course: Electronics Foundations: Semiconductor Devices

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Solution: Circuit protection

Solution: Circuit protection

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Let's take a look at my solution for the challenge to protect my thermostat from a short circuiting power supply. If one of the supplies failed and turns into a short circuit, current from the other supply would flow backwards through it. That's a reverse current, which I can easily stop with a diode. If I place a reverse current protection diode between the two power supplies like this, it'll block that reverse current coming from the right supply from flowing through the short circuit on the left to keep my thermostat running. However, if it was the power supply on the right that failed instead of the one on the left, that diode wouldn't help because current from the working supply on the left would flow straight through the broken supply on the right. To fully protect this system from short circuiting power supplies, I need two diodes to protect against reverse current, one for…
