From the course: Excel: Creating Business Budgets

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Understanding revenue drivers

Understanding revenue drivers

- [Narrator] When building a business budget model, it's important that we understand the drivers of revenue. By this we mean, what products or services will we sell, and how many? If you'd like to follow along with me, have my business budget REV inputs open, and navigate to the sales plan worksheet. Once you have this worksheet open, you'll notice that there are two sections: days per month, and the sales amount. This first section here, days per month, is used to identify the number of days in each month that the business will be operating. This is really important as it can help with planning the volume of sales. In cell C7, what you'll notice is a formula has already been pre-populated, and this formula tells us the number of working days in that particular month. In this case, there are 23 business days in the month July 2020. We're going to assume that this business will be open Monday to Friday, with the exception of public holidays. What we can easily do at this point is…
