From the course: Designing for Business

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Establishing a color palette

Establishing a color palette - Illustrator Tutorial

From the course: Designing for Business

Establishing a color palette

- [Instructor] If you're tasked with creating design for the company you work with and you have a brand identity in place, then you already know most of the colors you'll be using in your design. In this movie, I'll showcase how to keep brand colors consistent across all the various ways you may use them, be it print or onscreen. So let's dive into the second design fundamental and see how you can establish your colors and explore potential new colors to work with on your project. So once again, if you work for a company, you might have your brand colors already established or a secondary set of colors you can use within your brand. And pretty much you have to stick with that. That's a little more limited, but at least you know what colors you're going to be using. Now, when I approach design, especially in the development phases, I'm using what are called raw colors. Raw colors mean they're not tied to any universal…
