From the course: Creativity Boot Camp

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Reviewing the Wild Westios exercise: Understanding idea generation

Reviewing the Wild Westios exercise: Understanding idea generation

From the course: Creativity Boot Camp

Reviewing the Wild Westios exercise: Understanding idea generation

- All right, so if you haven't already, count them up, write the number at the top. This is the comparative time, isn't it? Everyone's looking over, how many did you get? What did you do? How many do you have? How many did you guys have? - 28. - 12. - 13. - 19. - 28 ideas. - Woo-hoo! That's fantastic! So this exercise teaches us three things about our own behavior and about creativity that I want to point out before we move forward with our three creative boot camp commands. What would you say is the number one reason why people would say I can't come up with more ideas, or I can't come up with better ideas? What would you think is the number one reason that people would give? I don't have time is the number one reason. I just don't have time. My other project's due tomorrow. I've got three other things I have to do. I don't have enough time to come up with more ideas. But as we can see, time really isn't an issue, is it? I gave you three minutes and you guys came up with 28 ideas…
