From the course: Creating Great First Impressions

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How to be more memorable

How to be more memorable

- How long does it take to make a powerful first impression? We make our snap judgments of people, both good and bad, within the first few seconds of meeting them. Let me share a fascinating study on the power of first impressions. Researchers at Oregon State University wanted to know if first impressions during a job interview could impact the interviewee's success. Here's what they did. First, they filmed real employment interviews done by two trained evaluators. After each 20-minute interview, two interviewers completed a post-interview questionnaire evaluating the candidate's interview performance, behavior, rapport, and professional skills. Second, the researchers shortened the videos into clips, showing the candidate's first impression. These short clips showed just the candidate entering the room, greeting the evaluators, and taking a seat. These clips were no longer than 20 seconds and didn't include any actual interview questions. Again, they were just capturing the…
