From the course: Creating Great First Impressions

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How to be engaging

How to be engaging

- One of the fastest ways to build rapport is to show someone that you would be an engaging, present, interesting person to talk to, and you are! So how do you show it? The easiest way to be more engaging is not what you might think. It's not about telling amazing stories or thinking of clever anecdotes, although those are great too, but before you even start a conversation you need to show someone you're engaging with strong non-verbal queues. There are two non-verbal queues for engagement. The first two I want to teach you is called fronting. Fronting is when you angle your three Ts, your toes, your torso, and your top, towards the person you want to engage. Ideally, your feet and their feet are on parallel lines. We can do this while standing and chatting with someone at a networking event, or in the break room, you can also do it while walking towards someone as you enter a meeting or boardroom. You can also do it while sitting in an office or around a conference table. Fronting…
