From the course: Creating a Photography Portfolio

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Creating a visual identity and the power of iteration

Creating a visual identity and the power of iteration

From the course: Creating a Photography Portfolio

Creating a visual identity and the power of iteration

- [Instructor] After having selected and purchased your domain name and hosting, the next step is to begin to think about the visual identity for your brand. Now, the visual identity is typically made up of typography treatment, color, and maybe some design elements as well. In this movie, what I want to do is essentially ignite a few ideas about the process of how you can start to develop your own visual identification for your brand. Here I want to talk a little bit about the process, the value of iteration, and then in the next movie I'll highlight a few resources. All right, well, in order to talk about the process, I'll go through a few examples of my own. One of them starts with this idea that I wanted to create a website to showcase some of my short films that I've been making. So, I thought about California where I'm located, in particular Santa Barbara, and came up with this name 34 North Films. That domain was available, so I picked it up. So, I went through my ideation…
