From the course: Creating a Photography Portfolio

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Clarify and define your vision

Clarify and define your vision

- [Instructor] Earlier I mentioned that a portfolio can be tool which gives us the ability to say more with less. And as we seek to accomplish this it's helpful to begin to think about our own vision for the portfolio. It's helpful to ask the question, well, what is your vision for this thing that you're going to create? Now when it comes to portfolios we tend to think of them as having this really big focus: this is a collection of my work, it's a website, it's a book of prints. Yet, what I've found is that in order to clarify and deepen your vision it's actually helpful to begin to think about portfolio in more of a multi-faceted way. What if a portfolio actually had many different aims and many different goals? Now what do I mean by this? What I mean is what if my portfolio isn't just something that will be viewed on the web or on a mobile phone or in a box of prints? What if my portfolio maybe even isn't those things? What if it isn't a book or a website? What if it is not a…
