From the course: Corporate Finance: Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)

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Examples of ESG reporting

Examples of ESG reporting

- Let's see some examples of how companies are reporting their ESG activities. - [Presenter] Now, before looking at these examples, which are all pretty good, here are some characteristics of bad ESG reports. - [Presenter] ESG reports containing vague and complicated facts indicate the company's not really interested in communicating ESG information to stakeholders. - [Presenter] In order to have an impact, an ESG report must be believable. To be believable, the report must contain verified data, not opinions, guesses, or dreams. - [Presenter] A bad ESG report contains no goals and no evidence of planning. - [Presenter] It's easy for a company to quickly create an ESG initiative by doing a Google search for reports from other companies. - [Presenter] A good ESG plan must be the result of internal study and discussion among the company leaders. - [Presenter] A credible ESG initiative should be a cohesive part of a overall…
