From the course: Construction Management: Introduction to Lean Construction

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Reshaping the construction industry

Reshaping the construction industry

- Lean productivity is a proven theory in many industries, and there are many resources available to learn more about Lean including several courses here in our online library. As you continue forward, I encourage you to keep that concept of the elimination of waste in mind and think about how you can apply that concept in your workplace. Our industry has plenty of places to look. Idle time, unnecessary movement of materials, duplication of efforts, rework, wasted materials, scheduling trades too early or too late, wasted trips and unnecessary phasing, and all that time we add in between activities and trades. These are all great opportunities for the elimination of waste. For more information that's specific to the implementation of Lean construction concepts, check out the Lean Construction Institute for some great resources and look for more courses here in our online library in the future. In the meantime, if you wanna learn more about construction planning and scheduling check…
