From the course: Construction Management: Introduction to Lean Construction

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Training the industry

Training the industry

- Training is what I think is going to be the most difficult aspect of implementing the theory of lean in construction. This is where it gets much more difficult than it is in manufacturing. It's just easier when it's a group of employees who all work for the same employer and report to the same plant each day. Toyota was able to assemble their plant workers and explain the new theory and all the new rules. They could mandate adoption and to some degree, even compliance. We don't have that in construction and I don't think that's going to change in the foreseeable future. Our issue is all the different companies involved in the process. The question that I get asked here is who will drive this, the owner, the general contractor, the trades? That's a tough question to answer and I know I've given at least one presentation where I said the owner would have to drive this. But as I've continued to work with the process and have seen the overall theory developed, I'm not sure that's the…
