From the course: Computer Science Principles: Programming

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Create for multiple platforms

Create for multiple platforms

- As a programmer, you'll create programs and apps for customers and users. However, not all of your users might be the same. For many sets of customers, you need to consider that they might be using different operating systems, devices, or browsers. As a programmer, you need to plan for this reality by planning to build for multiple platforms. For someone new to programming, this can seem a little intimidating, because building apps for different platforms often requires learning different programming languages, working with various tools, and investing in hardware and resources. But luckily it isn't as intimidating as it seems. If you're creating applications for the web, there are several browsers. But the differences between them are not as drastic as they once were. In addition, if you're working with popular, modern frameworks, a lot of the cross-browser work is managed for you. You can then focus on what you want to make, instead of how you're going to build it. For mobile…
